I know all you have looked down on someone or something because you think you're better than them.Just to be sure I am NOT JUDGING ANYONE IN THIS POST.I have looked down on someone and I did pay for it I got 3As 2Bs in my UPSR and other people look down on me just because I go to SMK AMINUDDIN BAKI,JB.I am not mocking my own school but when people ask me what school do you go to I simply SAB,JB and that is when their faces turn in to THE LOOK.THE LOOK is when you look people at a very disturbing way.
This is my story of how bad people look down at my school.some students and me went to an event at a local library when the opening for the event is finished all the participated schools have to go in to the library they called the other high schools in the library my friends and I went to the entrance when this dude says "SEKOLAH APE?" a freind answered"SAB" the dudes said"BACK OF THE LINE,please" I was really pissed when he said that but we have to be totally civilised they say...but this happened when go to the entrance for the second time...they made us wait until the LOWER SCHOOLS went in.It was supposed to go like this high schools first then lower schools.Then the dude said "BAWAK TANGKAL KE APE?".........he went way past the line if it wasn't a public place i would puch the dudes face...that is how pissed I am on that day.
Then again,we had to go to our sets provided by the library but the ascort teachers sat there not the students.I must admit that is fairly funny cause there are many seats in the library but the library people cannot provide seats for ascort teachers.....Well DUHH!! they had to but they did not think a head...and they are MASTERS/DIPLOMA holders....even my 7-year-old sister could think of that(I GUESS) smart people do not care about the people below them....
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